Burien Town Plaza Mural, Classic landscape historical significants
I teamed up with Incity Properties to paint an exterior mural at the Burien Town Plaza Center Bartell Drugs store location. The building was frequently targeted for grafitti. The project's main goal was to decrease vandalism and improve the space while increasing the property value.
I worked closely with the building owners to develop the content and theme of the mural. Ownership requested that the mural pay homage to the Burien area, including a historical element, classic landscape, and local wildlife. Sketch concepts, digital renderings, and mural mockups were provided before the production of the mural painting.
Anti-graffiti coating was applied to the surface to help preserve the artwork and provide a more convenient system for maintaining and cleaning the wall space.
Client: Burien Town Plaza / Bartell Drugs
Concept: Historic Community Mural
Dimensions: 65’ x 20’
Wall Surface: Cinder block
Materials: Exterior Latex paint / Scissor Lift